Restrict access to the site by making it private. Choose to have individuals land on the dashboard or site home page after they login. If the site is public, choose to display or hide the login link on the home page. Add an optional message that appears in the login box.
In this article:
Step by Step Walkthrough
Step 1 - Navigate to Portal Access
From the dashboard, select Site Options and then Portal Access in the left-hand side navigation bar.
Step 2 - Manage Access Settings
- Restrict access to the site by selecting to make it private.
- Select the Login Method by selecting "On the site" to use the login screen, or "3rd Party Login" to log in through an external site with single sign on.
- If the site is public, you can choose to hide the login link on the home page by selecting "No login".
- Choose if users land on the dashboard or site home page after they log in.
- Enable email two-factor authentication for different user types
- Add an optional message that appears in the login box. Click 'Save'.
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